Redmi has launched its latest wearable, the Watch 5 Active, in India . The new smartwatch has a robust zinc alloy housing and is IPX8 waterproof. It has a large 2-inch rectangular display and promises up to 18 days of battery life, making it an attractive option for fitness enthusiasts and tech-savvy consumers alike. The smartwatch also supports Bluetooth calling with a three-microphone system with ambient noise cancellation (ENC) and built-in speaker. The Redmi Watch 5 Active is available in India at a competitive price of Rs 2,799. Available in two colour options – Matte Silver and Midnight Black.
Details :
The smartwatch is equipped with a 2-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 320 x 385 pixels and a maximum brightness of 500 nits. The display can be turned off by placing your palm on it and supports “Raise to Wake” and “Double Tap to Wake” features for added convenience. With over 140 pre-installed sports modes and over 200 customisable watch faces, the Redmi Watch 5 Active offers a versatile user experience. The device runs on Xiaomi’s HyperOS, is compatible with both Android and iOS smartphones and supports Hindi language.
In addition to fitness tracking capabilities, the smartwatch comes with a built-in Alexa voice assistant that helps monitor various health metrics such as heart rate, blood oxygen level (SpO2), sleep patterns, stress levels, and menstrual cycles. Users can sync data with Strava, Apple Health, and Mi Fitness (Xiaomi Wear) apps.
The smartwatch’s 470mAh battery lasts for up to 18 days with normal use and up to 12 days with more intensive use. The watch is charged via a magnetic pin and weighs 42.2 grams including the bracelet.
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